Abigail Bowen talks influences, inspirations, the joys of tatty sofas and meeting the dog

Hi Abigail, Can you tell us about your paintings; what inspires and influences you?
I paint large abstract oil paintings. Inspiration comes from other art forms, mostly literature or music. If I read or hear something that touches me emotionally, I will jot it down and see if I can imagine how that feeling will translate into a painting. For example, last year I painted a collection inspired by Virginia Woolf’s ‘To The Lighthouse’ and stuck various passages of text to the studio wall, to remind me of the mood I was trying to capture.
Belle (Lighthouse series)
You mention painting the ‘edge of the rainbow’; could you explain what you mean by this?
The term comes from Donna Tartt’s novel The Goldfinch as she expresses her longing to visit the place where imagination and reality mingle to create the space where all art and magic exist. All of my paintings are an attempt to conjure this space, to break through our reality and try and grasp what lies just beyond what we can see. It’s a place that is blurry, shimmering and, like a rainbow, impossible to capture.
Can you tell us a bit about your painting processes?
I work in a series of 4 or 5 paintings at a time. Each series takes between 3 and 6 months, sometimes more. I use layers and layers of thin, runny oil paint to create glowing glazes of colour that vibrate and change in the light. As I apply each translucent layer I like to imagine that light and air is caught within the painting, allowing it to breathe and come alive. I’m not a gestural or active painter splashing paint around, its very slow, considered and meditative process which I believe is reflected in the calm, self contained presence of the final pieces. I’m trying to lose time, to forget time exists when I paint and, in the final result, to have created something timeless.
What and who are your major influences?
In terms of painters, there are no prizes for guessing Turner. But I also adore Monet’s water lilies, Rothko, Jules Olitski’s Instant Loveland, Joan Mitchell, Franz Kline and the late, great Richard Serra. Weight or lack of it is a very important part of my work. lt’s all about the mood and atmosphere. I’m drawn to a beautiful gloom.
Is it important to you to meet and talk to potential buyers of your work?
Yes, I love talking to people and always pick up lots of recommendations for books, music, exhibitions, podcasts, everything! This is the benefit of a solo Open House with just one artist – every visitor that comes to me has an interest in abstract art. I also think it’s an amazing opportunity for collectors to meet the artist in their home environment. I do lots of exhibitions and art fairs, but they can be rather sterile and artificial situations. Whereas when you come to my home you can see the piles of books, shelves of vinyl, tatty sofas and meet the dog.
What else do you enjoy about doing an Open House?
I love the sense of community, not only with my neighbours and visitors, but also with my fellow Artists. We have created a very close and supportive group which is active all year round. We all get together and brainstorm ideas for the 7 Dials trail and I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by such a lovely talented bunch of people.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
Yes. I love supporting artists with their sales and marketing and launched a mentoring service earlier this year. Knowing how and where to sell your work can be very difficult, particular as many artists work in isolation. I can help with everything from pricing and setting up social media, to art fairs and approaching galleries. Not to mention how to take part in and make the most of the Artists Open Houses of course. You can book a session via my website https://www.abigailbowen.com/mentoring
Visit Abigail Bowen
22 Clifton Street, Brighton, BN1 3PH
Open this weekend (12th-15th Dec) only
Website: https://www.abigailbowen.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abigailbowenstudio/
Instagram for 7 Dials Trail: https://www.instagram.com/7dialsart/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abigailbowenart/