Rafael Reveron-Pojan
Some notes about the politics in my work, called “automatic architectures”. It is the appropriation of the space, creation of place, object. To a large extent, my work lies beneath like an architecture, as a strategy of ideological appropriation of space, the conquest of place, of the object, of the contained body… Do not think, do not live, do not feel – I build you and think you, I appropriate you, live in you, in your space, in that space in between which surrounds you, that makes you, that moulds you, configures you and figures you.
Rafael Reveron-Pojan's details
- website: http://rafareve.blogspot.com
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RafaelReveronPojan/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/art_usb
- social media: https://www.instagram.com/rreveronpojan/