By registering as an AOH venue you will benefit from the following:
l Your Open House listing will be appear in the AOH printed brochure (print run 35,000), distributed throughout Brighton Sussex, SE region
l Your Open House will be listed in the AOH printed leaflet map (print run 35,000) distributed throughout Brighton Sussex, SE region and London
l Your Open House listing will appear on the AOH website, with options to add additional online gallery images and video uploads: Last May’s festival saw over 23k visitors, with over 143k pageviews in the run up to and during the festival period and received 319k pageviews over the year as a whole.
l Website listings options include: Artists’ listings featured in the Artist and Media online search; individual Enhanced Artists Listings, allowing an image of each artist’s work, a link to the artist’s websites and their contact details, with priority on the Artist and Media online search
l Dedicated trail maps and travel information
l Year-round social media campaign, including Facebook, Instagram, regular newsletters and blogs
l Professional PR campaign, offering extensive local, regional and national media, press, TV and radio coverage
l Digital and TV marketing campaigns with partners Latest TV, Visit Brighton
l Joint marketing campaign with Brighton Festival and Brighton Fringe
l Reciprocal ads in Brighton Festival brochure
l Advertising in relevant local and regional arts and culture publications
l Reciprocal press, adverts, digital content and social media locally and regionally with arts partners including Brighton Art Fair, MADE, Brighton Photo Fringe, Pallant House Gallery, Fabrica, Phoenix Art Space and others
l Lamppost advertising
l Street stencils
l Bill board advertising
l Personal support and advice offered to all venues
l Online Guide to Opening your House
l Awards Event including: Best Open House and Brochure Cover Artist Awards
l AOH launch party
l Invitations to attend discussion and marketing information meetings
l The opportunity to join a local art trail
l The opportunity to buy AOH branded banner and bunting to advertise your Open House
Also see: costs and benefits