A Sea Swim by the West Pier 2021

Alej ez

’A Sea Swim by the West Pier’ takes a lone male figure out of his group setting in John Minton’s La Baignade 1946 and
transports him to the artist’s own local swimming spot in front of the remains of the West Pier in in Brighton. A nod to the Romantic
escapism of British Art of the 1940s and 50s, it is a profoundly intimate work, imbued both with a sense of empathy for past
generations of artists living before the Wolfenden Report in 1957, when homosexuality was far from socially acceptable in Britain, and
a celebration of the openness and inclusivity of the seaside town often referred to as the gay capital of the UK. A Spanish artist living
in Brighton since 2000, Alej Ez brings to the melancholic tone of his artistic reference, a Mediterranean warmth and positivity
characteristic of his oeuvre as a whole.
Media/artform: Print Making

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