Shifting Focus / Oil on panel 30 x 40 cm

Sheri Gee

Sheri Gee is a West Sussex based artist, specialising in oil painting. Working with her time and spatial constraints as a working mother and artist, Her work often derives from people watching – using the everyday moments in her non-studio time to influence her paintings. Stemming from many years of life drawing, Gee has an enduring passion for depicting the figure. Amongst her themes, she has long been captivated by the solitary commuter in the rain, drawn to the passing colours of coats and umbrellas, lights and reflections. Her latest work stems from these paintings.

With a degree in Illustration, since graduation Gee has been daily learning and growing her fine art practice.

In 2018 Gee was selected as one of 21 finalists in the Holly Bush Emerging Woman Painter Prize and shortlisted for the same prize in 2022. She has exhibited across London and the South East, including showing work with the Society of Women Artists and The Chelsea Art Society.
Media/artform: Painting

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