Performance by Aisling Zambon

  • Date:

Times: 5, 11, 18, 25th of May 11-5pm

Aisling Zambon brings an ongoing participatory performance during the VISION exhibition throughout May weekends, inviting individual (adult) visitors to take part for a few minutes at a time.
Playfully exploring the concept of existence apart from our human bodies.

Aisling is a multi-disciplinary artist who worked as a theatre director for over 20 years, specialising in Theatre of the Oppressed. Often focusing on the actors real life storytelling as source material to create personal and societal change. She has worked with people who have experienced homelessness throughout her career, using creative arts as a transformative tool.

More recently she has placed herself as performer to express and process her own story and explore correlations between the physical body, individual self, collective and cosmos.
Other recent work has used performative painting and mark making to heal trauma and disease in the body and mind through breath, paint and movement, inviting a wider collective healing process.

27 Adelaide Crescent

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