Lunamoon & Friends would like to say a friendly ‘Hello’, welcoming you to the home of artist Caroline Budden (Lunamoon) to see her latest mosaics and the work of eleven guest artist-friends. Tea and cake sales will raise money for charity and the garden will be open for you to enjoy.
Caroline Budden Mosaics
Ali Caddick Paintings and prints
Laura Danby Prints and gifts
Jane Davey Needlefelt creatures
Cecile Garcia Printed textiles
Helen J Holroyd Framed prints
Ros Lymer Textiles with found objects
Charlie Lyons Wire sculpture
Leisa Megretton Prints and gifts
Deanna O’Keeffe Remade jewellery
Gallit Shaltiel Paintings and prints
Shani’s Showroom Vintage-style fashion
Cecile Garcia textiles and prints