Benefits of inviting Guest Artists to exhibit in your Open House

Printwerks Studio, Photo: Syl Ojalla
There are many reasons to invite other artists to take part in your Open House with you. These may include:
Sharing costs
Inviting other artists to exhibit in your Open House with you means you can split the costs, including AOH listing fees, between you. Other costs you will need to cover include public liability insurance, which is essential, you may decide to have a private view and you may also want to print and distribute an Open House flyer. The trail you join may have its own small membership fee.
Other than the AOH listing fee and insurance, all costs are optional, but could include:
- AOH banner
- AOH bunting
- A private view, i.e. wine, soft drinks.
- A house publicity flyer (an e-flyer saves on print costs)
- A website dedicated to your open house
- Wrapping and sales materials
- Cash box
- Trail membership fee
Debbie Lawrence Open House, Photo: Syl Ojalla
How many guest artists you choose to invite to exhibit with you is entirely up to you. The more artists, the lower the costs all round, but the less space you will be able to allocate per artist. Many visitors enjoy visiting Open Houses with a good variety of artists and makers – but there is a limit, beyond which the house may feel like an overcrowded shop!
Most Open Houses charge around £50-60 per artist, depending on the number of guest artists you have and your own cost outlay. The fairest solution is to work out all your costs, then divide this up between the number of artists taking part.
Faye Bridgewater Open House, Photo: Syl Ojalla
Sharing invigilation
Quite apart from the fact that is more fun sharing the running of your Open House alongside friends and other guest artists, it means you can divide up periods of invigilation, allocating specific time slots to each of your artists. Most Open Houses aim to have at least one invigilator in every room open to the public, both for security reasons and to engage with your visitors.
Commission on sales
Most open houses also request a commission on sales of guest artists’ work. This is generally around 10- 15% on works sold. It is always good to remember that you have done a lot of the organisation and preparation work for your Open House and deserve this small reward!
Studio 106, Photo: Syl Ojalla
How to find Guest Artists
If you would like to invite artists to exhibit in your house but don’t know of any working in the media you would like to exhibit, you can take a look at Artist Seeking Houses.
If you have any questions please get in touch with us at