Laura Darling tells us about ink, oil and mud – and the sanctuary of landscape

Hi Laura, This is the first time you’ve opened your house as part of AOH. Have you taken part as an artist in AOH previously?
Yes it is, though I’ve thought about it for the last eight years or so. I’ve been in various open houses during the May festival, most recently at a beautiful house in Ovingdean which was huge fun. I thought I’d dip a toe in the water this winter. It’s a shorter festival which suits and I find a really nice time to visit open houses, they are often inviting and warm hearted and getting ready for Christmas.
Painting by Laura Darling, ceramics by Vicki Felstead
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your work?
I’m an oil painter, working mainly in the studio but occasionally plein air. My studio is at the bottom of the garden and it’s my favourite place in the house, although also the most spidery. I have always loved being outdoors and am a keen walker and I try to capture the sense of freedom, space and light that I crave when I’m indoors. The landscape round here is very special. I studied geography at Uni and the geographer is always very present in the painter, thinking about soil and landform, weather and the history of place. It’s all about the chalk. That inner light. Landscape is sanctuary for me and the act of walking, moving through, is a great pacifier of ills.
Three trees by Laura Darling
You are also a writer; would you like to tell us how writing practice feeds into your painting and vice versa?
Ah well. Open a sketch book and you’ll see there are more words in it than drawing. I wrote about artists before I picked up a paintbrush and words often form the root of the painting. Both provide a way to extract the rush of ideas in my head – the act of getting something down on paper, or canvas, it vital. But I’ve found painting easier for my busy brain than writing over the last few years. Writing seems to need an increasingly demanding set of circumstances (quiet, peace, red wine, no distraction, good ideas…)
Archipelago V by Laura Darling
Your Open House is titled Ink, Oil and Mud – how did you arrive at that name?
My two friends Sarah Willcox and Vicki Felstead have discovered their respective art practices, and Ink Oil and Mud is the name of the Whatsapp group we created when organising pub trips and walks to talk about art. Great name, we thought, for a mythical open house. Then, for an actual open house.
DUCKS bag and Early morning walk by Sarah Willcox
Would you like to tell us a little more about your exhibiting artists?
Sarah has studied drawing for a good number of years now, and over the last few has worked more in pen and ink. She’s one of the wisest people I know and has combined her drawing with short pithy and thoughtful aphorisms that provide a little balm for the soul. Her Instagram page is called threefiftyeightam because that’s the time she would often find herself awake and in need of exactly the sort of advice she now draws.
Vicki took up ceramics a few years ago as an opposite to her stressy role running a business. And as these things do, it gradually took over. She is genuinely in love with pottery and creates wonderfully textured, honest and functional pieces; the epitome of beautiful and useful. She also made the best mug I have ever owned. I can’t have a cup of tea without my mug.
Vessels by Vicki Felstead
What are most looking forward to in opening your house?
Getting rid of 20 years’ worth of family clutter…Actually spending time with good friends, mulled wine bubbling, talking to visitors and creating a space that feels good. We said that the most important thing is to enjoy ourselves. As with any show, it’s an invaluable exercise to curate your own work, hang it to its best advantage and to suit the space and hopefully make a really lovely experience for guests.
Vessels by Vicki Felstead
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
I will put the heating on. I’m pushing through for as long as I can without it but the amount of massive sweaters and hot water bottles is getting a bit much.
Visit Ink, Oil and Mud at:
37 Cornwall Gardens, Brighton, BN1 6RH
Open House Instagram @inkoilandmud