Joanna Osborne tells us about the Dog Show’s silent auction in support of Ukraine

Sian Lancaster and Joanna Osborne
Hi Joanna
Your Open House is all about dogs! How do you select the amazing dog-themed work?
We work hard to find what we consider to be the very best dog artists – we’re keen not to tip into kitsch. Sally Muir and I have worked together for years; she is now an accomplished dog artist, we share a very similar taste and we use social media to find new people. Some are friends, others are recommended by other artists. The artists come from all over the UK – only three are local: illustrator and Henry J Garrett, Gemma Rees with her amazing life like sculptures of Bedlington Whippets and me, Joanna Osborne, making ceramic dogs. We have a group of six loyal and popular artists and try to add another six new artists for each show.
This year you also have a really special SECRET DOG Silent Auction. Can you tell us a bit about the project and its aims?
For each show we try to introduce something different, and this year it’s The SECRET DOG Silent Auction in aid of Disasters Emergency Committee in Ukraine and a dog charity working in Eastern Europe, Wild At Heart Foundation. It felt appropriate in these challenging times to help out in the best way we could…with dogs. All the original postcards have been generously donated by the artists. It’s a silent auction, so to bid either come to the show, admire the display and leave your best bid, or vote on line at, or follow us on Instagram @thedogshowbrighton. The auction finishes 6pm, 28th May .
You have postcard artworks by some well-known artists. Can you tell us about them and how they came to be donated?
Over half the artists have some kind of personal connection with us, sometimes close, sometimes quite remote. For instance Jock McFadyen is a friend of my brother- in- law and by chance selected both Sally’s and my work for the RA Summer Exhibition in 2018. Stephen Chambers is a friend and has worked closely with my husband, Sam Toft is a friend, Holly Frean is showing with us this year. Others I approached, some said yes, others didn’t reply; then, touchingly, some artists offered work.
What other dog related events and treats do you have in store – for both dogs and their owners?
Over the month we do run a few events. This is a BIG weekend – Sally Muir will be doing her amazing On The Spot Dog Drawing, sadly fully booked – it’s a bit like getting a ticket to Glastonbury! Sophie Thurlow will be here painting her remarkable delicate miniatures of dogs on teabags..her work is stunning. And for the dogs, free homemade dog biscuits.
Your Open Houses is sometimes full of dogs! Are they mostly well behaved? And what does your own dog think about it?
We love loads of dogs in the house…Edie, perhaps not quite so sure. It’s her first time hosting The DOG SHOW and but she’s slowly learning to enjoy visitors and their dogs. There has been the odd skirmish in the past, no blood yet, and generally the dogs are very lovely and their presence adds to the excitable chatter in the house.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Do come along, bring your dogs…free dog biscuits, delicious cake for humans, charming garden and a very warm welcome.
All the postcards for the SILENT AUCTION have been generously given by the artists, do come to have a look and please bid generously…our help is needed more than ever before.
We have raised over £3600 so far, please help us to make it £5000.
Visit The Dog Show
At 33 Sillwood Road, Brighton, BN1 2LE
On the Brunswick Town trail
Instagram @thedogshowbrighton