AOH talks to the Rose Hill Rebels!

Welcome to the Artists Open Houses – is this the first time Rose Hill Rebels have taken part?
Yes this is the first time that Rose Hill has been involved in Artists Open Houses. We’re very excited to be taking part and have the opportunity to showcase to a wider audience the artwork being created here.

Artist Amy and resident at Rose Hill  Tuck

Can you tell us a bit about who the Rose Hill Rebels are? And also about the support of the charity Equal Arts?
Rose Hill Rebels are a group of residents who live in retirement housing. They take part in weekly creative activities led by professional artists. These can include music, visual arts and movement. The group is currently funded by National Lottery Awards for All, and supported by Equal Arts, a leading creative ageing charity working to improve the lives of older people and those living with dementia, through creativity. The charity focuses on the benefits being creative can bring to well-being. It supports people to live in the moment and celebrates what they can achieve rather than focusing on reminiscence activities.

Image by Lanie, a resident at Rose Hill

One of your artists is Lanie – can you tell us about her work, her ideas and the media she uses?
Lanie is a resident at Rose Hill and spends much of her time creating her mixed media pieces. She says:
“Most of my work is based around nature. I like to use wool, buttons, paint, paper, flowers or anything else that captures my imagination. My favourite projects at present involve anything that sparkles or reflects the light. I have long term illness which has changed the direction of my life. However, looking at the positive side, it has given me the opportunity, along with encouragement from friends and family, to develop my creative side.”

Image by Lanie, a resident at Rose Hill

What are you most looking forward to and hoping will result from taking part in the Artists Open Houses?
We are really excited to be welcoming the local community and all visitors into Rose Hill Court, to see the fantastic art work Rose Hill Rebels have been working on. The Rose Hill Rebels are keen to be involved with the local community and develop relationships with schools, groups and cultural venues.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
There are a range of volunteering opportunities open to members of the community here at Rose Hill. We’d love to hear from people able to join us for a few hours a week in our creative sessions, helping with hen care, gardening or group support. Anyone interested can email

AOH Brochure no. 33
Rose Hill Rebels
Rose Hill Court,Rose Hill Terrace, Brighton,