Guest Blog by Jon Tutton (Tutton and Young)

Image: As Intended BPF17
This year we’re not running the Brighton Art Fair as the Corn Exchange is unavailable due to an extensive restoration but we’ve taken the opportunity to play and organise a show that we’ve been thinking about for some time.
Sarah and I have a strong history as printer and printmaker, right from when we first started working together. We first started exhibiting prints at generous friends Open Houses in the Round Hill area, then Stanford Avenue and then Queens Park before we opened our own new studio Atelier51 as an open house in Central Brighton. Printmaking has always been a special interest and an area we are keen to promote.
So preparations are in full swing for the first Brighton Print Fair which kicks off with the Private View on Thursday.

Image: Jane Walker BPF17
However the response has been great from both the exhibitors and the public. We’ve got a great selection of printmakers exhibiting in both the main printmaking exhibition and the tabletop show (where printers can sell printed produce – textiles, books, ‘zines etc). The classes are getting sold out already but we still have spaces on the one hour courses on Saturday and Sunday where both adults and children can and learn the basics and produce simple screen prints – book the whole family!.
We’re a little daunted but we think that the show will be one of the most engaging shows we’ve ever organised, with a lot going on as well as a lot of interesting artist’s prints to buy. Its free of charge to visit so do come along