Guest Blog by Sam Toft – Little Mustard Shop & Dog and Bone Gallery

I’ve been participating in Brighton Artists Open Houses since my old dog was a pup… so that’s almost 16 years !
AOH are one of the things that make Brighton such a special place to live. These and the Brighton May Festival, Gay Pride, the the Naked Bike Ride -to name big a few- help make our city quintessentially Brighton!
AOH are an amazing opportunity to see and be seen on all levels. Professional artists, keen amateurs and Sunday painters all gathered together in one beautifully designed brochure.
This year for me is an extra special one. Over the years I have firstly opened my house, then my studio and now, thanks I think to the incredibly supportive and positive reception I’ve had so far, I’m opening a shop!

An old sign we found under 4 others whilst refurbishing … we’ve now gone 2 deeper!
At time of writing, it’s still under extensive refurbishment (which can be followed daily on Instagram @littlemustardshop). It’s a tiny shop, about the size of your front room at home so very cosy and welcoming. I will be selling some of my own favourite published items as well as exclusive surprises and guest artists. We have paintings by Joe Ramm, sculpture by Cadi Froehlich, handmade dogs by Hawkes Hounds, Tapestries by Diana Fernman, cushions by Carolyn Brown alongside my own just finished original paintings from my new card range. We’ll have a varied selection of stripy scarves, hand knit in aid of Sussex Pet Rescue, and I’ll also be selling calendars, canvasses, mugs, table lamps, prints on wood and Christmas stockings all on the theme of Mustard..

Me & the dogs on the day I got the keys to the shop 3 weeks ago, it was all a bit emotional
And talking of themes, I am also delighted to announce the opening of a new free exhibition space at Powis Square. The Dog and Bone gallery is open for submissions on the theme of dogs, bones and telephones. Our first 2 shows are Photographs of Dogs in Monochrome by Innis McAllister and Anna Wilson-Patterson’s delightful Paintings of Hounds. These exhibitions will each run for a month starting 25/11/17. Will you be next in?
The exhibition spaces take the form of two (locked, unmanned and beautifully restored) red telephone kiosks on Powis Square. A charming and typically Brighton square which will now have an ever changing, seasonal display. Follow our progress on Instagram @dogandbonegallery
The phone boxes are just around the corner from Little Mustard Shop at 33 Clifton Hill and will compliment each other beautifully. Information about the shows can be picked up from the shop. Submission forms will also be available once we open on 25/11/17

The original state of the phone boxes
We also have a website with mailing list, Facebook group and Instagram group to keep everybody informed and up to date.
Facebook Group @samtoftartist
Instagram @samtoftartist
Twitter @therealsamtoft
I hope to help bring art into the heart of the community. Brighton is home to so many creative people and there are so few places to show themselves off.. This is true for younger artists in particular, and also those just beginning. That is why AOH is such a valuable addition to our city. And it’s the motivation behind both the Little Mustard Shop as well Dog and Bone Gallery.
We hope to meet you soon!
25/11/17 – 22/12/17
12-6pm Thursday–Sunday
Little Mustard Shop
33 Clifton Hill
Bn1 3hq
25/11/17 for your viewing pleasure and thereafter 24:7 (fairy lights permitting)
Dog and Bone Gallery
Powis Square