AOH Schools day-Saturday 20th Blog

Melanie Thomas from Varndean School:


‘We are exhibiting GCSE Art and Technology final pieces as well as sketch books and portfolios. There will be a range of paintings, ceramics, drawings, screen printing, textiles, resistant materials, graphics and much more. As well as work from Year 11 students there will also be selected artwork on display from younger students. We have taken part in AOH for several years now and relish the opportunity it offers the younger residents of our community. It is fully inclusive, a strength which is at the heart of our school and ethos. There are many benefits – perhaps most notably the confidence it gives our students in the quality of their work, seeing it exhibited and understanding their talents hold a valuable position in the city.’

Saturday 20th May, 10.30-4.00pm.

Varndean School, Balfour Rd Brighton BN1 6NA

Paula Fahy from Dorothy Stringer:

‘Our Open House Festival takes place on Saturday 20 May from 10 pm until 4 pm.  There will be an art exhibition, with year 11 GCSE work as a focus.  The technology department will also be displaying a range of work showcasing both key stage 3 and 4 work.  Music and drama performances will be on-going.  There will be charity stalls and positive action and environmental groups. Alumni will be represented and we hope to have many past pupils visiting.  Cakes and produce will be on sale.

It is fantastic for our students to be part of what might be their first exhibition.  Being part of the Five Ways trail makes it even more special as their work is viewed alongside that of artists and designers who have much more experience.  Many of whom are professional artists.  We are hoping that many visitors will come to the festival and view the work that students have spent so long producing.  We are very proud of them.’

Saturday 20th May, 10.30-4.00pm.

Dorothy Stringer School, Loder Rd Brighton BN1 6PL


Also open Saturday 20th May: Portslade Academy (on the Independent trail) shows work from their own students, displayed alongside work from Portslade Primary and Special schools.

While at Brighton and Hove High School (7 Dials trail) Artist in Residence, Jemma Day, is exhibiting her paintings in the school’s studio, runs regular workshops for students of all ages. Weekends throughout the festival.

Blog words and images by:

Idil C. Bozkurt

Freelance Video and Multimedia Producer



Twitter: @ic_image @bozkurtidl

Instagram: @i.see.image