Encounters: the 2018 Best Open House – and picture gallery from weekend 2

Encounters Winners of Best Artists Open House 2018
We visited the amazing Encounters, in the West Hove trial. Encounters were winners of the 2018 Best Open House Award.
And here is a round-up of other really great Open Houses we went to last weekend:
Ruth Mulvie @ 1 Courtyard Lane
Ruth Mulvie is exhibiting her extraordinary paintings of swimming pools and other subjects in a garden, surrounding a 1940’s swimming pool!
The Chocadyllic Chocolate House
At Chocadyllic everything is about chocolate; chocolate sculptures, chocolate workshops and a chocolate cafe…
…. except for Kay Aplin’s beautiful ceramic installation
St. Luke’s Prestonville
See David Carter’s amazing dioramas of biblical scenes, set in West Sussex towns and villages.