Sponsored by The Old Market, FAKE/MAKE is an exhibition of work by young and emerging artists curated by Idil Bozkurt.
The origins of the aphorism ‘fake it till you make it’ can be traced to the 1970’s and was used to describe a method where, by imitating confidence, capability and a hopeful outlook,
a person can realise those qualities in their real life. ‘Acting cheerful’ was seen as a path to cheerfulness when spontaneous cheerfulness had been lost. Disciplines, from psychology to self-care culture, consider such a mindset to be valuable in enabling an actual change in a person’s behavior.
The New Grounds programme takes this phrase as a start point, exploring subjects of ‘making’ and ‘faking’ through speculation and self-reflection using various art forms. Why do we fake it? What happens to the intention of ‘making’ in the act of ‘faking’? Does the by-product lose face value or the original purpose of the creation? Faking can be seen as being a fabricator or a charlatan; but can it also be a role-play, disguising, transforming and perhaps enabling the artist’s creative act. When faking precedes making, how does this affect the artistic process? New Grounds artists will be considering ‘faking/ making’ as a reflective relationship, disclosing personal experiences within the artists’ practices via sound performances, multimedia installations and workshops.
Sound and performance artists: Ed Briggs and Rebecca Dyer
Theatrical performance artists: Daniel Levin
Multimedia installation artists: Ëpha Roe, Bethan Clarke and Súhannah Whitton
Workshops: Kate Kelsall, Claire Patrick and Idil Bozkurt
Ed Briggs: 2 June, 16.00-17.00
Rebecca Dyer: 1 June, 16.00-17.00
Daniel Levin: TBC Multimedia installation artists: from 23 April to end of festival
Workshops: Tuesday 28 May Part One: 13.30-16.30
Part Two: 18.00-21.00 (see AOH Events page)
Tues 23 April – Sun 26 May
Mon-Sat: 13.00–17.00 and when venue is open for performances
(Closed 8-13 May)
Bethan Clarke
Epha J Roe
Ed Briggs
Daniel Levin