A superb collection of paintings, prints, ceramics, jewellery and cards.
Cecil Rice Has been painting sunlight and water in oils and watercolours since the 1980s
Sophie Wake Animal figure paintings and abstracted landscapes
Lisa Green Original paintings and limited edition prints inspired by the Sussex coastline
Rod Yarrow Geometric abstraction artist
Lindsey Light Figurative paintings and three-dimensional work that combines painting with found objects, inspired by the sea.
Rarebit Design Handmade domestic ceramics
Emma Stanton Handcrafted silver jewellery
Angela Evans Handmade ceramic tiles
Jo Cranston Merino wool scarves, wraps, mittens and gloves
Holly Bell Beautiful handmade ceramics inspired by the Sussex countryside
Rachel Barnard Unusual jewellery
Nadara Cosmetics
Snow, St Ann's Well
Cecil Rice
Wall Eye
Sophie Wake