Nayah: Empathy as an Act of Resistance – a reading from emerging artist Danit Ariel

Danit Ariel gives a reading of Nayah: Empathy as an Act of Resistance as part of the exhibition ‘Towards The Light’ at The Regency Town House Basement, No.10 Brunswick Square.
Nayah looks into empathy through the practices of gender and Judaism. It is a love letter to queer folks, the colour blue and Martin Buber, all wrapped up in Yiddish and kissed twice on the forehead.
Danit’s exhibition ‘Tiptoes’ was selected through open call and is part of the 40th Anniversary exhibitions for Artists Open Houses. Danit Ariel is a Queer Jewish visual artist and writer constructing an empathic gaze. Her research asks how we share and hold each other’s stories, how art can create new ways of ‘meeting’, with an emphasis on platforming marginalised narratives.
Danit will be in conversation afterwards with Ricardo Reverón Blanco (@inner_effigies)
Event details:
Sunday 29 May, 3-4pm
The Regency Town House Basement
No. 10 Brunswick Square, Hove, BN3 1EH
No booking required
For more information about the artist visit their Instagram @danitariel