Virtual Open House listings

What is a Virtual Open House listing?
If you don’t feel like you want to open your actual house at present, you may like to take part in the AOH festival as a Virtual Open House, with your listing appearing on the AOH website during the festival period (and subsequently accessibly archived).
What do I get for my listing?
As well as an image and listing description, your Virtual Open House listing will comprise:
Online Gallery:
A dedicated gallery showing twelve images of your work with a link to your email, phone number, Etsy or website, so that visitors to the site can buy work directly from you.
If you would like more than 12 gallery images, you are able to buy further 12-image packages, for £10 per package.
Video link:
You will also be able to make and upload a video to your listing, this could be a virtual tour of your Open House, or you may like to show samples of work, explaining the processes of making and ideas behind your work.
Galleries images and video links can be updated at any time up to and during the festival period.
Will my Virtual Open House listing appear in the AOH printed brochure?
Virtual Open House listings booked before the October 10th deadline will have an 1/8 page presence in the AOH printed brochure comprising an image, 30 words and your contact details. You have 75 words for your online listing, but make sure that the most important information is in the first 30 words as this is what will appear in the printed brochure.
Virtual Open House listings are still available after the October 10th deadline and right up to the start of the Festival on 27 November.
Virtual Open House listings booked after the 10th October deadline will not have a presence in the AOH printed brochure but will have same full online presence as all listings.
How much will it cost me?
Virtual Open House listings booked before 10th October cost £160 per listing. After 10th October, with no AOH brochure presence, listings cost £100. Listings can be shared with other artists, but we don’t recommend sharing with more than two or three other artists maximum, as this will reduce your presence and impact.
Can I add more images to my Virtual Open House listing’s gallery?
Yes, if you would like more than 12 gallery images, you are able to buy further 12-image packages, for £10 per package. Up to 36 images can be shown in total.
What will my listing look like?
Have a look at the Virtual Open House listings for last Winter’s AOH Festival to see how you listing will appear:
Who can take part as an AOH Virtual Open House?
Any artist or maker who lives in East or West Sussex can take part as a Virtual Open House.
What can’t I add to my Virtual Open House listing?
You may not add your address nor invite visitors to view your work in person.
If you wish to do this your will need to take out a regular Open House listing.
If I take a regular Open House listing will I get the above new facilities?
Yes all regular Open House listings will also include these features for no extra charge:
Online Gallery:
You will receive a dedicated gallery showing six images of your/your artists work with a link to your email, phone number, Etsy or website, so that visitors to the site can buy work directly from you.
Video link:
You will also be able to make and upload a video to your listing, showing samples of work, the processes of making and ideas behind your work.
Gallery images and video links can be updated at any time up to and including during the festival period.
Register your Virtual Open House listing here
Registration for Virtual Open Houses closes on 27th November
Winter 2021 AOH Festival weekends:
November 27 & 28 I December 4 & 5 I December 11 & 12
Featured image: Hannah and Georgia from AOH Winter 2020