Rhoda K Baker tells us about her work and Open Studio at Atelier 51

Rhoda K Baker in her studio
Would you like to tell us a bit about the new work you will be showing?
I make all sorts of work in different media, but most recently I have been exploring collage, postcard size images created in series with a specific theme. The latest collection is called ‘The Unknown.’ Abstract shapes and forms come to mind when thinking about the unknown depths of the sea and the possible life forms in the distant universe. I represent these imaginary things here with relief printed textured and patterned papers. I cut the shapes from the paper freehand using a sharp scalpel as a drawing tool, I then create my interpretation of what may be present in the mysterious places in and around the planet. Each collaged piece has its own original character and is unique and a bit disturbing!
R K Baker – The Unknown
How did the title of the work After the Festival come about?
AFTER THE FESTIVAL, is one of my recent lino print collages. Quite big at 63 x 63 cms, and one of a pair. The first is called ‘Before the Festival’ describing the anticipation and excitement running up to the event, and the complimentary collage ‘After the Festival’ demonstrates the heightened emotions experienced during and after the brilliant Festival. Both pieces were originally designed to be square scarves, silk screen printed onto pongee silk. (I may do that sometime.)
R K Baker- After the Festival
Your background is in textiles – can you tell us how this has influenced your work?
Influences from my textile eduction at the Royal College of Art feed into all my work which is very diverse. I have an ongoing project called ‘Paperscapes’ which are mostly white geometric 3D low relief landscapes made in paper. All very structured and meticulously planned, which has a direct correlation to the complex planning required to create a woven cloth. This work is a complete contrast and very different from my collages which are all very colourful and abstract, probably influenced by my collection of 1940’s and 50’s printed textiles.
R K Baker – Paper Panel no. 10 variation
What media do you like to use in your work and why?
Paper, acrylics, gouache, lino print, pen and ink, pencils, spray paints….the list is endless! I enjoy experimenting and exploring new techniques and materials, developing ideas and having new technical challenges.
Tell us a bit about your studio.
My studio is on the first floor of a Victorian warehouse near the magnificent St. Bartholemew’s church. The building is adjacent to the once rather grand London Road houses in Brighton, and may had serviced them in some way. The building has been used for all sorts of light industry: wagon making, carpentry, light engineering and most recently a vintage clothes shop. There are several studios in the building but I am the only one opening for this winter’s AOH. I have a lovely spacious environment and a big wood burner…. necessary as half my roof is a glass skylight!
Who else will be showing work with you in your Open House?
Judy Dwyer makes“creatures” based on the observation of small animals, made with hand-dyed silk velvet, embellished with tin, embroidery, and looped telephone wire to create “garments”.
Judy Dwyer – Which Way to the Pole?
Francis Bloomfield works in 3D collage using a variety of materials and media. Some of the work is derived from “real” landscapes and interiors, other pieces are landscapes of pure imagination.
Frances Bloomfield- Three Postcards
Jill Tattersall / JTPots makes wheel thrown and hand decorated pots using porcelain, white and black stoneware clays and raku techniques. The colour palette is minimal, black and white with occasional flashes of orange referencing 60’s art and design.
JTPots – Black and white oranges
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
We are actually opening on Friday 26th November to coincide with the Made design and craft fair at St. Bartholomew’s church, the entrance is diagonally opposite the studio.
We are all looking forward to the event especially after the blight on live shows. The interaction and feedback with people interested in the work has been much missed by all over the last couple of years. We are hoping for a really sociable and happy event!
Visit Rhoda’s Open House at:
Atelier 51 studio upstairs
At 51 Providence Place, Brighton, BN1 4GE
See more of Rhoda and her guest artists’ work:
Rhoda K Baker
instagram: rhoda_k_baker