SEAS – Participants of May 2016 Festival

What attracted you to taking part in the Artist Open Houses festival and what were the major benefits produced by taking part?
I wanted opportunities for exposure to my new home-gallery. I also benefitted from media PR, new audiences and connections with other artists, the exposure to new audiences and the possibility to give talks and workshops.
Were there any other benefits that were completely unexpected?
Connections were made with NGO’s that were interested in the content of the exhibition and a visit by the Brighton Mayor, who came for tea.
What did audiences particularly like about your Open House?
Audiences liked that the exhibition had a defined theme, and particularly the theme itself ‘Displacement’ (on refugees, homelessness and Palestine), exposure to socially engaged art, and the artists talks and workshops.
Do you have any new ideas that you would introduce next year?
Perhaps the catalogue of the houses could be divided / colour coded not only via area but also through the media that is exhibited in the various houses, e.g.: photography/painting/socially engaged art [or social practices]/ installations etc., and through subjects: decorative art/landscape/urban themes/ LGBT+ work/ social and political theme etc.
Do you have any advice for people doing an Open House for the first time?
I would organise the whole thing 2 months before, rather than two weeks. And I recommend having a particular theme.