The Adelaide Salon Presents…

The Adelaide Salon presents:

Judy Stevens & Chris Lord

Judy is a Brighton-based artist, printmaker, and illustrator.

She and her partner, graphic designer Chris Lord, were instrumental in setting up Artists Open Houses (AOH) Ltd, to shape and promote the Artists Open Houses as an artist-led festival in its own right since 2004.

Under their direction, Judy and Chris have developed the Artists Open House in Brighton into one of the most recognized and respected Art festivals in the UK.

Judy will talk about her personal motivations, ethos, experience, and their history in creating this wonderfully successful festival.

She will also share their path and vision for future development.

RSVP REQUIRED: [email protected]

Date: 27th of June 2024

Time: 6.30pm Meet & Greet

          7pm Talk

Place: 27 Adelaide Crescent, BN3 2JH