AOH 2023 Award Winners announced!

All photos: Syl Ojalla
The winners of the AOH 2023 Awards were announced on Thursday night at the AOH Awards Night. The event was generously hosted by the Old Ship Hotel
AOH Best Open House Award – Sponsored by Latest TV:
The nominations were:
Vida Active Artists – Hove trail
The Red Door – Fiveways trail
Art in the Purple House – Hanover trail
The Studio Gallery -West Hove trail
And the winner is:
Vida Active Artists – Hove trail
AOH Artist of the Year Award – Sponsored by Gemini Print
The nominations were:
Sarah Arnett
Seana Mercedes Mallen
And the winner is:
Sarah Arnett
AOH Photographer of the Year Award – Sponsored by Gemini Print
The nominations were:
Mark Findlay
Michael Steven Harris
And the winner is:
Michael Steven Harris
AOH Brighton Fringe Award – Supported by Brighton Fringe
The nominations were:
Patsy McArthur
The House of the Green Monkey
A Room of Our Own
And the winner is:
A Room of Our Own
AOH Brochure Cover Artist 2024 – sponsored by Lawrences Arts Supplies
The nominations were:
Emily Kirby
A Room of Our own
Sarah Arnett
Abigail Bowen
And the winner is:
Sarah Arnett
We say a sad farewell to Lisa Yousefi – leaving AOH after nine years providing amazing web support and digi comms expertise for our artists and festival. We will all miss her!
And goodbye from us all at AOH for now – have a great summer and see you in November at the Winter festival!