Trail contacts information

Photo Credit: SYL OJALLA at Alej Ez Open House

Once you have registered for Artists Open Houses, you may like to join a trail in your area. You can contact your local Trail Contact below, who will give you individual trail joining details.
NB:Trails only operate during the May festivals.
As an approximate guide to the trail areas, please see this map

Beyond The Level
Brunswick Town
Central Brighton
  • Samantha Hudson:
Dyke Road
  • Bonnita Apperley:
Kemp Town
Beyond Brighton
Coastal (Ovingdean, Rottingdean, Saltdean, Newhaven)
Seven Dials
West Hove

Although all trails are part of Artists Open Houses Festival, they may have their own joining criteria. It is not obligatory to join a trail in order to take part in AOH Festivals, but there can be advantages for Open Houses that do (please see: Guide To Opening Your House)