Editing pages

If you are viewing the site from the front end (and are logged in) you will see ‘Edit page’ in the black bar at the top:

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  • If you are already in the back end select Pages, Events, Houses or Artists in the main left hand side menu
  • More details on Events, Houses and Artists are in later FAQs on this page
  • Click a page to edit it – a page with a dash before the title means it is a sub page of the one above.
  • Edit the text directly in the text box. The editing box is known as a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) text editor, working similarly to Microsoft Word. It has controls for creating headings, links, justification, bullet lists (like this one!), etc. More information about how to use it can be found here https://make.wordpress.org/support/user-manual/content/editors/visual-editor/


  • You can also add images and videos to the text area by clicking ‘Add media’ – See more on adding images in the Images FAQ.
  • You might not be able to see all the editing options at first – to make sure you are click the top right toggle, and a second row of options will appear:Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 09.55.42
  • Here you will be able to change the heading weight by clicking the ‘Paragraph’ drop down menu:



  • When you have edited your text and images remember to click ‘update’ near the top right.
  • To make the page you are editing a sub-page (known as a child page) of another page (known as a parent page) select the page from the ‘parent page’ drop down menu in the Page Attributes box on the right. For example the following image shows a page that is a sub page of About:Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 10.16.30
  • To view the page on the front end click the ‘View page’ link at the top left of the screen (see image below) – it is best to always have the front end open in a different window when editing

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  • Remember if you are editing content from the back-end of WordPress you will need to refresh the front-end page to view the change you have made.
    You can set the page to be visible to the public or private. This option is under ‘visibility’ in the publish panel :


  • Here you can also schedule when you want the page to be published by clicking the ‘Edit’ button under the published on date. If a date in the future is entered then the page will not be viewable by the public until that date. If a date in the past is entered then the sub-pages will order in publication date on the menu page – this is useful for older news items or events.
  • Clicking ‘Revisions’ will show you all the edits that have been made to that page, there is a slider where you can slide backwards and forwards in time to see the changes, this is useful if you deleted something that you wish to recover.