Registered and Featured Artist listings
Registered Artist Listings
All artists exhibiting within the Artists Open Houses festival are invited to sign up to our ‘Artists’ website section as Registered Artists. The host artist does this at registration stage by adding individual artists’ names, email addresses and media for all artists exhibiting in their Open House venue. Registered Artists then become searchable in our online artist and media search and are linked to their Open House venue.
Featured Artist Listings
Once artists are registered to the website’s ‘Artist’ section, individual artists can access their Registered Artist listing to become a Featured Artist, adding an image of their work, a brief description and a link to their own website. This will also take you to the top of the online artist and media search.
All Registered Artists will be contacted by email and sent a link to access their listing, enabling them to upgrade to become a Featured Artist. There is a £10 sign-up charge per Featured Artist listing. This can be done at any time up to the start of the Festival.