Terms and conditions

Key AOH terms and conditions

NB: Refunds
Full refunds are available right up until the end of the main registration period (30th September). Partial refunds for listings withdrawn from the festival after this date will be offered where possible, from proof stage and beyond, but cannot be guaranteed.
(See: T&C 7 for more info).

  1. The Artists Open Houses (AOH) festival is open to all artists living within the Brighton & Hove and surrounding area. (Open Houses are welcome to also display work of guest artists from outside the area).
  2. Brochure listing size – please note
    • Venues (including multi-occupancy studios) with 15-25 artists must take out a minimum of a double listing.
    • Venues (including multi-occupancy studios) with 25-35 artists must take a full page  listing
    • If you are a larger arts event or art fair you will be asked to take an advert rather than a listing
  3. It is a condition of taking part in AOH festivals that all Open Houses must take out public liability insurance. We recommend AN AIR: www.a-n.co.uk/about/insurance. AOH takes no responsibility for injury to members of the public when visiting Open Houses.
  4. Artists Open Houses reserves the right to review submitted listings and change details which do not comply with the AOH house style, or which are felt to be untrue or offensive.
    Listings which exceed the stated word count will be edited by the AOH team.
    Composite images (where a single image is made up of several smaller ones) will not be accepted.
  5. The design and lay-out of the AOH brochure is dictated by necessities of space and other essential design considerations, meaning we are not able to accept requests from individual Open Houses or trails concerning specific listing placements or trail order.
  6. The Artists Open Houses purpose is to promote practicing artists displaying/selling their own work. Commercial premises are welcome to take part in the Artists Open Houses, but the images and words used in AOH listings must be relevant solely to the exhibition of artists’ work that they are hosting. Listings must not be used to promote a business or other unrelated business activities, but if a commercial premises would also like to promote their business they can, in addition, take out an advert in the AOH brochure (contact:[email protected])
  7. Full refunds are available until the end of the registration period only. It is agreed that full refunds for listings withdrawn from the festival cannot be made once the brochure has reached proof stage. Partial refunds only will be offered, where possible, from proof stage and beyond, but cannot be guaranteed.
  8. It is agreed that images uploaded as part of AOH listings or sent to AOH and/or their PR campaign coordinator for any promotional purposes, can be used by AOH and their PR campaign coordinator for any relevant promotional purposes without payment to the artists  or seeking their further approval. AOH and/or their PR coordinator will supply all publications with artist image credits, but cannot be held responsible for any publication’s failure to credit images.
  9. It is recommended that Open Houses with dogs make sure the dog is controlled or shut in a different area of the house during open ours, particularly if the dog has a tendency to be child or visitor unfriendly.


Full AOH Terms & Conditions of registering

All Open House venues are required to agree to the AOH Terms and Conditions when registering for the AOH festival.

1 The Artists Open Houses (AOH) festival is open to all artists living within the Brighton & Hove and surrounding area. (Open Houses are welcome to also display work of guest artists from outside the area).

2 Brochure listing size – please note:
Venues (including multi-occupancy studios) with 15-25  artists must take out a minimum of a double listing.
Venues (including multi-occupancy studios) with 25-35 artists must take a full page  listing
If you are a larger arts event or art fair you will be asked to take an advert rather than a listing

3 It is a condition of taking part in AOH festivals that all Open Houses must take out public liability insurance. We recommend AN AIR: www.a-n.co.uk/about/insurance. AOH takes no responsibility for injury to members of the public when visiting Open Houses.

4 Artists Open Houses reserves the right to review submitted listings and change details which do not comply with the AOH house style, or which are felt to be untrue or offensive.
Listings which exceed the stated word count will be edited by the AOH team.
Composite images (where a single image is made up of several smaller ones) will not be accepted.

5 The design and lay-out of the AOH brochure is dictated by necessities of space and other essential design considerations, meaning we are not able to accept requests from individual Open Houses or trails concerning specific listing placements or trail order.

6 The Artists Open Houses purpose is to promote practicing artists displaying/selling their own work. Commercial premises are welcome to take part in the Artists Open Houses, but the images and words used in AOH listings must be relevant solely to the exhibition of artists’ work that they are hosting. Listings must not be used to promote a business or other unrelated business activities, but if a commercial premises would also like to promote their business they can, in addition, take out an advert in the AOH brochure (contact:[email protected])

7 Full refunds are available until the end of the registration period only. It is agreed that full refunds for listings withdrawn from the festival cannot be made once the brochure has reached proof stage. Partial refunds only will be offered, where possible, from proof stage and beyond, but cannot be guaranteed.

8 It is agreed that images uploaded as part of AOH listings or sent to AOH and/or their PR campaign coordinator for any promotional purposes, can be used by AOH and their PR campaign coordinator for any relevant promotional purposes without payment to the artists  or seeking their further approval. AOH and/or their PR coordinator will supply all publications with artist image credits, but cannot be held responsible for any publication’s failure to credit images.

9 It is recommended that Open Houses with dogs make sure the dog is controlled or shut in a different area of the house during open ours, particularly if the dog has a tendency to be child or visitor unfriendly.

10 Artists Open Houses (AOH) purpose is to coordinate and promote art and artists taking part in the Artists Open Houses festivals. This includes the annual May Festival coinciding with the Brighton snd Fringe Festivals, and a smaller seasonal Festival in the lead up to Christmas.

11 All listings fees are paid per venue – there a limit of 35 artists exhibiting in one venue (see T&C 2 for more info). It is recommended that venues share listing fees between all their exhibiting artists. Larger arts events will be asked to take an ad, rather than a listing.

12 All Open Houses venues must undertake to correct any errors on their brochure listing and map proofs and upload all corrections by the date specified. Artists Open Houses cannot accept responsibility for any errors not clearly marked-up and returned at proof stage.

13 AOH reserves the right to refund payment and withdraw any entry that does not, after due consultation and consideration, comply with our Terms and Conditions of registration. Listings or venues displaying images or language considered to be homophobic, racist, sexist, ageist, abusive to people with learning or other disabilities or otherwise exploitative of others, will not be accepted and the right to register with AOH may be withdrawn.

14 If you live in a multi occupancy building, you must seek agreement from landlords and /or co-residents in the building before opening your venue. Please make sure you take your neighbours into consideration at all times.

15 Your trail members  will be offered  pavement stencils and chalk spray ahead of the May festivals to indicate your venue. You may not use any medium other than chalk spray  on the pavement – or AOH may be barred from future use of stencils as a result.




The Artists Open Houses festival covers the first four full weekends of May only. While Open House venues may list other opening dates as part of their brochure listing, including bank holidays, these dates do not generally constitute part of the official AOH festival dates.

The May Festival includes a number of geographic ‘trails’. Trails are semi-autonomous of AOH and any fees set and charged by a trail are for the sole benefit of that trail and are neither charged by nor paid to AOH. It is not obligatory to join a trail and where no appropriate trail exists, or a venue chooses not to join a local trail, houses will be listed online and in the AOH brochure as Independent venues. Any Open House may choose to open as an Independent venue, irrespective of location.

In coordinating and promoting the festivals, AOH will regularly consult with and seek the views of participating Open Houses, through a series of discussion and feedback groups and online surveys, ensuring it is, and remains, responsive to venues needs. However, in coming to decisions regarding the type and extent of services provided, and the nature of the direction and future development of the festivals, decisions reached by the AOH team will be contingent on the needs and interests of the festival as a whole, rather than the interests of any particular individual or group.

Discussion and feedback groups will provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting the organization and promotion of the festivals. Attendees will be invited and informed of the meeting time and place well in advance. 
The meeting agenda will be circulated to attendees before each meeting. Attendees may be invited to submit agenda items for discussion, although AOH reserves the right to determine the overall content of the meeting agenda. Discussions and recommendations arising from meetings are advisory only and are not binding on AOH in any way.

AOH will provide Open Houses with regular feedback and information regarding the provision of services, fees and other changes, including any decisions taken by the directors and team, via discussion group meetings, regular newsletters, reports and email communication.

To meet its objectives, AOH intends to, but is not limited to, provide the following services. (AOH reserves the right to change these services from year to year):

By registering as an AOH venue you will benefit from the following:

  • Your venue listed in the AOH May printed brochure (print run 50,000), distributed throughout Brighton Sussex, SE region and London
  • Your venue listed in the AOH printed May leaflet map (print run 50,000), distributed throughout Brighton Sussex, SE region and London
  • Your venue listed in the AOH website: AOH May 2022 festival saw over 150,000 unique visitors in the run up to and during the festival period.
  • Artists Listing facilities for you and your guest artists
  • Venue, artist and media search
  • Website listings options include: Dedicated trail maps and travel information
  • Year round social media campaign, including: Facebook, TwitterInstagram , blog: 30K+ followers across our digital platforms
  • Regular digital AOH Visitor newsletters to 10,000+ subscribers
  • PR campaign, offering extensive local and national media, press, TV and radio coverage
  • Printed media partnership with Rosa Magazine, offering regular printed and digital coverage leading up to and during festival periods
  • On street marketing campaign, including: Billboard and citywide poster campaigns, lampposts banners, chalk spray pavement stencils
  • Digital and TV marketing campaigns with partners Culture Calling (London and South East), Latest TV, Visit Brighton
  • Reciprocal marketing with partners e.g Brighton Festival, Brighton Fringe, Brighton Art Fair
  • Reciprocal ads in Brighton Festival and Brighton Fringe brochures
  • Personal support and advice offered to all venues
  • Online Guide To Opening Your House
  • Regular newsletters and information sent to artists and visitors
  • Reciprocal advertising in publications, e.g. Pallant House Gallery Magazine
  • Best Open House Award
  • The AOH Brochure Cover Artist Award
  • AOH launch party
  • Invitations to attend discussion groups and take part in online feedback surveys
  • The opportunity to join a local art trail