10 Flat 1, 11 Kings Gardens

Flat 1, 11 Kings Gardens, Brighton, East sussex, BN3 2PF

Katherine draws inspiration from nature, particularly birds, plants and life under the ocean. Excited by intricate texture, she uses bold colours and abstraction to produce artwork with an uplifting and playful message. Fractal patterns and repetition play a big part in her work.

Also a marathon runner, her work is designed to create a sense of dynamism and high energy. The tactile surfaces invite the eye in to have fun. Precision cutting is Pout’s signature style.

Unfortunately, Kings Gardens isn’t able to open for the last two weekends of the festival. Please contact Katherine directly about her artwork.

Type of venue:



  • Card Payment Facility

Opening dates


Opening hours:



Flat 1, 11 Kings Gardens, Brighton, East sussex, BN3 2PF
Precision cutting

fluorescent fern
Katherine Pout

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